Comedy ensues when Sheldon starts to use the technical bumbo-jumbo in the everyday life. With Penny clueless about science, video games, comics and computers and rest always interested in these "Fun" things ,the scenes bring smiles to your face.
- Things I like in the series(not in order)Sheldons Epic phrase -"Thats my place!!".
- Howard's pick up lines.
- Leonard trying to woo Penny by trying to rough her Ex.
- Sheldon's Dream about Sheldonopolis (while doing yoga with Raj).
- The history episode where it all began .
- How dumb Penny looks when having a conversation with Sheldon and Leonard.
- Conversation between Howard and his mother.
- Bazinga pranks :D
- Soft Kitty Hard kitty
and many more.
My favourite character is Sheldon mainly for his "reasonable" actions and decisions. The way he speaks is so different from any character seen on TV. By the way Jim Parsons playing as Sheldon won the Emmy 2010 in the 'Lead Actor' Category. You can watch the video here.
I love this sitcom a lot. This is the one sitcom which makes me laugh more than FRIENDS. The first thing i do when a episode goes on air is to watch the episode online at CBS or get it through my friends :D.
Watch this series if you want to laugh your guts out :).
Oh,do u want to know more about the title of the blog post? Then watch the video here.
Watch this series if you want to laugh your guts out :).
Oh,do u want to know more about the title of the blog post? Then watch the video here.