Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Number 10 !!!!

About a year ago i saw this thriller movie "The Number 23" starring Jim Carrey .I know it is hard to believe that Jim Carrey does anything other than comedy :P. Actually I started watching the movie expecting a comic riot but what I got was a amazing mystery thriller movie. The movie is about how everything in the protagonist's life was revolving around the number 23. After watching the movie I wondered whether I have any mystery number like that. So after some quick thinking I found out that naby things in my life involve 10 than any other number.

  1. Firstly, I always write my name as "T P JAYADEEP" - It has 10 Characters :)
  2. My first name is "Jayadeep" , It starts with the letter J - 10th letter of the english alphabet :)
  3. My name ends with a 'P'. It is next to the 10th letter in the English alphabet in the reverse direction.
  4. I am born on the 10th of July :) .
  5. Also in the year 1990 -10 years before the millennium :P
More 10s of facts on the way :)


Sagacious said...

Good start deepu.keep it going

Unknown said...

Thanks A lot :)

rahul selvam said...

Also,, A*E+Y/E=10 and A+E=5,,younger brother of 10 :)