Friday, July 8, 2011

My first freebie

I am usually not good at getting freebies or getting picked at lotteries & similar kinda things. But I do take part in some of the giveaways which some good web sites do. For example, TechCrunch does one or two monthly, usually the latest device in the market. While other than that I have seen in IndianVideoGamer, who hold contests for ps3/xbox/pc games.

While I was searching for some game reviews of inFamous I cane across the site called GamingBolt. This is exactly similar to IVG without the community. So one such contest I entered was Dirt 3 contest. We had to answer a simple question and they would pick the lucky winner for the Dirt 3 game. When I checked the comments section only 20+ people had entered the contest so I presumed I had a good shot at winning the game. So I entered the contest. When I checked back a day before the contest closing date, I was surprised to find 102 comments. I was really confident I wouldn't win the contest.
However, one day I got an email from one Rashim Sayed,he is supposed to be the owner of GamingBolt, telling me I had won the game. I then gave my delivery address to him. I was still very doubtful of all this because I found out GamingBolt was an American website and I didn't think they would mail it to India.
T-Shirt with Dirt 3 disc
But, today I am astonished that they have indeed mailed me the ps3 copy of Dirt 3 and even sent a Assassin's creed T-shirt along with it! I really appreciate GamingBolt for sending the package to me.
I am happy that I now have 7 new games, including Dirt 3, to game on my ps3. But, I have only one thing in scarce - TIME !

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